Our repid prototyping service provides fast, efficient and strategic technical support during the design and early production periods, alongside our DFM and DFT services.
This allows customers to develop a product that is ready for volume manufacturing – and providing us with the opportunity to produce prototypes of the highest quality and cost efficiency.

Our global networks and, in particular, links to high quality and cost effective component sources in Asia, enable us to suggest improvements to increase yield and reduce cost. We like to provide this input during the critical design and prototyping stages. Our plants in Asia are not simply ‘Build to Print’ operations; we have the experience and skills to manage the full range of product profiles – including the ability to support low to medium volume, high mix products at all of our facilities.
We can undertake DFM, DFT and Prototyping at all of manufacturing locations – allowing the target volume manufacturing site to gain experience of the product at the earliest point and to provide manufacturing and supply chain suggestions that are appropriate for the region of manufacture.