Part No:
Texas Instruments
Active components
INA180A1QDBVRQ1 from TI available in stock, Current Sense Amplifiers AEC-Q100, 26V, 350kHz current sense amplifier 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125
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Expected Shipping Date:
30/04/2022 - 31/12/2022
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1+ $0.65 $0.65
10+ $0.55 $5.50
100+ $0.38 $38.00
20000+ $0.15 $3000.00
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Categories Active components
Manufacturer Texas Instruments
Manufacturer: Texas Instruments
Product Category: Current Sense Amplifiers
RoHS: Yes
Series: INA180-Q1
Number of Channels: 1 Channel
GBP - Gain Bandwidth Product: 350 kHz
Vcm - Common Mode Voltage: 12 V
Number of POTs: Non Volatile
CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio: 84 dB
Ib - Input Bias Current: 80 uA
Vos - Input Offset Voltage: 100 uV
Supply Voltage - Max: 5.5 V
Supply Voltage - Min: 2.7 V
Operating Supply Current: 260 uA
Gain Error: 0.1 %
Minimum Operating Temperature: - 40 C
Maximum Operating Temperature: + 125 C
Mounting Style: SMD/SMT
Package / Case: SOT-23-5
Qualification: AEC-Q100
Packaging: Reel
Packaging: Cut Tape
Packaging: WellerReel
Brand: Texas Instruments
Product Type: Digital Potentiometer ICs
en - Input Voltage Noise Density: 40 nV/sqrt Hz
Features: Low-side Capable
Gain V/V: 20 V/V
Ios - Input Offset Current: 0.05 uA
Maximum Input Resistance: 25 kOhms
Output Current per Channel: 8 mA
Product: Current Sense Amplifiers
Product Type: Current Sense Amplifiers
Shutdown: Shutdown
SR - Slew Rate: 2 V/us
Factory Pack Quantity: 3000
Subcategory: Amplifier ICs
Topology: Common-Mode
Unit Weight: 0.001139 oz
USHTS: 8542330001
CNHTS: 8542399000
CAHTS: 8542339000

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