Electronics and software design in Canada

Venture Founded in Edmonton, we have a Canadian team that works in close communication with clients to manage projects from start to finish. This provides a distinct advantage over exclusively Asian based manufacturers. In the same way, we tap into the Asian electronics market for world-class design and manufacturing expertise yielding a well rounded team … Continued

PCB assembly for robotics

Micro Robotics is Brisbane based robotics education company in Austraila,we have been using Weller’s PCB assembl service more than 3 years since our company started. We have manfuactured our PCB in other shops which quality was not so good before we moved our request to Weller.We’re proud to have been a part of the iLab … Continued

Embedded system PCB assembly

Kontron is a global leader in embedded computing technology (ECT). As a part of technology group S&T, Kontron offers a combined portfolio of secure hardware, middleware and services for Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 applications. With its standard products and tailor-made solutions based on highly reliable state-of-the-art embedded technologies, Kontron provides secure and … Continued

Electrical Motor Drive PCB Assembly

StudEE has been serving the education market for over 30 years offering Academic Discounts on Software, Robotics, and Technology Products from top brands such as Pitsco Education, FIRST Canada, AndyMark, Realityworks, Tetrix, Avid, fischertechnik, Makeblock, National Instruments, Pantone, Pixologic, PTC, Toon Boom, Unity, Wacom, and many more. Studica offers software, robotics, and technology products at deep academic discounts … Continued

IOT PCB Design

We are an Australia company with 50+ professional engineers team in design and development of IOT products for monition system,tracking system,fire alarm system,etc We are well trusted by Weller’s service and technology since 2016.

Industry control system PCB design

We are experienced France company specializing on industry control system design: Études, Recherches & Développements Systèmes de Sécurité et Domotique Sécurité et Télécommunications Transmission de données GPS & Positionnement Systèmes de Tracking embarqués Réalisation de systèmes spécifiques en Électronique et Informatique (Hardware et Software)

Gateway Bluetooth PCB Assembly

We are an electronics design and manufacturing company and the leader in Cellular Gateways and Bluetooth Docking Stations. The new XLink family is the world’s first and only multiple cell phone Bluetooth Gateway. Its universal Bluetooth compatibility and upgradability are just some of the features that make it unique and the market leader. We are … Continued

Battery Pack PCB Assembly

We are a Canada committed to bringing energy efficiency to vocational heavy vehicles, the transportation sector’s least efficient segment. Central to the design process was the collection of data from vehicles on which ours initial hybrid systems were deployed as well as hundreds of other candidate vehicles. Data centric design led the company to develop … Continued