Via in Pad Manufacturing Process

Via in Pad PCB Design

Via in pad is the design practice of placing a via in the copper landing pad of a component. Compared to standard PCB via routing, via in pad allows a design to use smaller component pitch sizes and further reduce the PCBs overall size. With component manufactures pushing smaller parts every year and the demand … Continued


What is the PCB trace impedance,and how to calculate it?

PCB trace impedance is the sum of all the resistance and reactance components of an electrical signal path. An ideal transmission line must have a characteristic impedance that matches both the transmitter and receiver of the intended signal. If the characteristic impedance of the matched transmission line is faithfully maintained, then the full signal sent … Continued


What is high Tg PCB (printed circuit board)

What is high Tg PCB (printed circuit board) TG’s meaning in PCB specification is glass-transition temperature, which is an important character of the PCB base material. In recent years, there are more and more customers requesting to manufacture PCB with high Tg. In the following we would like to describe what is high Tg PCB … Continued